


This assignment was given to us as a way of making us think harder. At first I was very nervous to conduct an interview because it’s not something that I am used to , it’s not like I haven’t done it before but in this case it was different . At one point I even got angry because I did not understand the point of the assignment but as I began I understood that the more I tried to encourage myself and did some part of the assignment I became free I was no longer nervous . Now I’m thankful to my lecturer for giving us this project because it has increased the way I think .

Definition and overview on peer pressure

Firstly I will define what peer pressure is, peer pressure is the direct influence on people by their peers.

Young people especially may struggle to cope with varying forms and degrees of peer pressurewhether it’s keeping up with middle school fashion trends or being subjected to hazing in a fraternity house. Peer pressure can be a powerful force, but fortunately, increased awareness has led to numerous resources to help students, parents and educators manage it effectively. Learn more about how peer pressure is manifestedand how to face it. Peer pressure tends to grow in intensity as students move up through the grades; by the time they reach high school, fitting in has become a priority and often a source of anxiety to many. While peer pressure can be manifested in any number of ways, it’s typically focused in a few common areas:

1. Drugs and alcohol Drugs and alcohol are easy to find on both college and high school campuses, and teens might feel the pressure to be “cool” by experimenting with something exotic and daring. When teens were surveyed about drug use. But giving in to peer pressure to consume drugs and alcohol can quickly land a person far in over their head, leading to even worse decisions.

2. Stealing Maybe it happens on a darea challenge to “Do this, or you’re not one of us.” Stealing can have an immediate impact, including strong feelings of remorse once the rush of adrenaline wears off. Over time, guilt, worries about getting caught, and concerns about the possible damage to their reputation are some of the negative thoughts a person may experience after stealing.

3. Sexual activity Seeing friends hooking up can make it seem as though sex is what everyone does a common activity that’s not a big deal. That perception can easily lead a person to tamp down their misgivings or hesitation and go further than they wanted to with a sexual partner. This pressure often begins in high school or even earlier; 33 percent of teenage boys felt pressured to have sex, while 23 percent of girls in the same age group felt the same way. It can be tough to put on the brakes in the heat of the moment, but in addition to making a person feel uneasy about crossing their personal boundaries, having sex under pressure often means having sex without thinking it through or planning for it. That can lead to serious consequences, such as sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy.

Choosing a professional

I was confused about the person to use but I did some research on it and found out that the best person to use will be a psychologist and I was happy because my cousin studied psychology in school so I decided to use her as my expert. It wasn’t really hard to interview her or get the questions either, I just used my personal life and what I’m facing the type of question I will want people to answer and I also taught of the fact that if people listened to it and that it will be what they will want to hear too . Interviewing my expect was interesting and all but after the interview I posted it on SoundCloud and I will leave the audio tape down below

Choosing my major proponent

Picking my major proponent was easy but really stressful because she is not in the country , so we had to do the interview via Instagram live . Peer pressure is a topic that is important because it tends to happen in .the life of teenagers/young adult. During the interview my major proponent said “ it is nit hard to say no to peer pressure depending on the pressure put on you” I understand that the attitude your peers give you when you say no to them pressures teenager and young adult to always get pressured .

Adedayo Oluwatosin Rebecca. I interviewed her as my major proponent


The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
